Thursday, November 21, 2019

Bariatrician Career Overview - Job Description, Skills, Duties, Education, Training, Job Outlook Salary

Bariatrician Career Overview - Job Description, Skills, Duties, Education, Training, Job Outlook SalaryBariatrician Career Overview - Job Description, Skills, Duties, Education, Training, Job Outlook SalaryBariatrician Job DescriptionBariatricians or bariatric physicians are licensed medical professionals who treat and prevent disorders that are linked to obesity. They diagnose patients with obesity, using the Body Mass Index. Apart from the BMI, other measures used are waist circumference and patients risk factors that are associated with obesity, like, hypertension, atherosclerosis and diabetes.Bariatricians may even conduct surgeries for morbid cases of obesity, in case medical therapy is not helpful. The most prevalent procedure in the U.S. is the gastric by-pass surgery, performed around 150,000 times in a year.Create this ResumeBariatrician Skills/DutiesA Bariatrician is either a practicing physician or a surgeon, alongside. He may use liquid diet supplements or prescription diet drugs, along with counseling, formulating a healthy diet, an exercise routine and a medically supervised program. Some perform bariatric surgeries, like a gastric bypass.Baritricians provide extensive medical monitoring, long-term kooperation and alternative medication therapiesBariatrician Education and TrainingA bariatrician has to be a state-licensed physician. He then focuses on bariatrics. The training usually comprises of an internship and residency in internal medicine. They are certified by an expertise group, the ASBP, American Society of Bariatric Physicians or must attain a DEA certificate (The Federal Drug Enforcement Admin. registers and supports these medications).All states grant written exams to license a doctor, while some states have reciprocity agreements. However, the ASBP is the foremost education provider in the field.Bariatrician Job Outlook With a huge prevalence of obesity and the related morbid health conditions, the demand for Bariatric physicians is very high. Bariatrics is a comparatively newer field of medicine, but has become decidedly popular due to the publics awareness of the various problems of being overweight and obese. Bariatricians have made rapid advances in what is known about obesity and how to manage it. They also perform surgeries that result in optimum weight loss. Whats more, the healthcare industry keeps on expanding, and with this growth, there is a shortage of bariatricians. Additionally, bariatric physicians are employed as general practitioners / surgeons as well.Bariatrician SalaryThe salary for bariatricians is based on their years of experience, their location, the type of facility and the shifts.The current median projected salary for bariatricians in the United States is about $149,194. Most bariatric physicians are also general practitioners / surgeons, thus, having an estimated salary of $249,504. Customize ResumeMore Sample Career ArticlesArt Therapist Career Bariatrician Career Cardiologist Caree r

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